4 thoughts on “You never know….

  1. Hey Dave,

    I can;t seem to be able to register on your speedo forum.

    After I do the captcha and press submit, it says general error :/

    Hopefully this issue can be fixed soon ! 🙂

  2. ThisisDG – I’m going to be working on the forum early this week and should have registration back online. The site was drowning in SPAM, so much so that I was spending 2hrs or more a day cleaning it up. It is a free site so I don’t get paid for that and I considered shutting it down.

    Shouldn’t come to that but I’ll post on here when registration is back open.

    5Star – if you are interested in a blog link trade email me, email is on the right hand side next to my picture. If there is any underage stuff on your blog, I will not link to it and I will forward your blog onto the necessary authorities.


  3. Based on your story above, Dave, I half expect the next thing you’ll be doing is coming out with a line of greeting cards that say “Say it with a speedo.” Imagine that! Some hot guy in a speedo for birthdays; two hot guys in speedos for anniversaries; a hot guy in a black speedo looking somber for sympathy/bereavements, etc. There’s your million dollar idea for the day, kiddo! 😉

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