It seems like wrestling is a thing in the US, high school and college guys wrestling. It is not a thing in Australia and I’m pretty sure even if it was, I wouldn’t have been able to do it because I’d have a constant erection!!!
I think it would be fun to wrestle with a guy in speedos though. Maybe I should ask Alex about it. Some speedo wrestling on the beach maybe?
This new movie of mine features four guys, in their speedos wrestling. This is just the introduction but you can see where it leads…. Members can watch the video – click here to join for just $5.
Hey Dave -I agree with you speedo wrestling is a big turn on, I reckon you and Alex should go for it. BTW you should check out a site, No Rules Wrestling, it has a lot of hot guys in speedos. Yeah its a bit fake but hey a hottie is a hottie right? Also a blog called piledriveu, also features speedo wrestlers.
I like the look of the guys in the blue team they’re gorgeous , I think id be very horny wrestling either of them , writhing about on the mat all hot and sweaty , all that body contact is making me really horny just thinking about it . being humped by the winner would be the icing on the cake well worth loosing the match for
Sounds like everyone like speedo wrestling.
I think I’ll make an effort to find and add more wrestling movies for you guys.