I hope all of you readers from the US are enjoying your long weekend. Regardless of your view on the current wars/conflicts you can’t not support the troops who are serving and those who have fallen. And I think Obama should have gone to Arlington National Cemetery – but I also think that the commander in cheif should have some military experience since he is asking others to go into battle but that is just my view.
I just thought I’d share some screen shots of a new movie that I’ve just added to SwimmerBoyz.com – this speedo wrestling movie that I just added. It has a nice long session of these two hunks wrestling in their speedos and then their speedos get removed and it turns into a hardcore sex movie.
A lot of speedo movies have the speedos being removed in the first 10 seconds but this movie has the speedos staying on for a bit longer which is nice.
Drop into SwimmerBoyz.com and check it out.
Just a reminder, the commander in chief who got us into these two wars had no military expeience, nor did the majority of his advisors. ( I don’t consider his very limited duty in the National Guard a qualification, as he seems to have been absent much of the time.) That being said, I will always support our troops, even when I don’t support the cause.
These guys certainly look better in their speedos than I do!!
Would you be interested in a link exchange?
I have added you to my site already http://www.allcuteboys.com/
Hoping you can do the same.
Keep up the great work.
So, you’re basically saying that the dead buried in Arlington are more worthy, more important, and more honorable than the deceased buried after serving their country in the Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in the Chicagoland area?
It seems you’ve also discovered the real reason that the President cancelled NASA’s returning an astronaut to the moon program. Like the military, since he hasn’t done it, he couldn’t possibly ask someone else to take that risk.
It’s intriguing that you choose to denigrate the President of the United States. Yet, you didn’t have anything to say about Prime Minister Rudd’s continuing to order Australian troops to fight in Afghanistan even though he never served in the military.
A couple of fair points – I don’t believe the NZ Prime Minister John Key was in the armed services either (he has spent a bunch of his working career working for Goldman Sachs). I think they both should have.
I can’t see myself having any military service in my lifetime and I’d love to be the commander in chief BUT I would have a problem ordering someone to war if I hadn’t put myself there.
I’m not sure about your NASA thing
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I’m not 100% sure, but I don’t think the Australian and New Zealand Prime Ministers serve as the head of the armed forces in the way that the President is the commander in chief of US armed forces.
If that’s so, that makes a distinction. And the leader of a country might have never had any reason to join the military (living in peaceful times), but when a reason to go to war comes up, do you honestly think it suddenly becomes a necessity that they have military experience just because they ask their citizens to go to war? I don’t think so…