Over the weekend I was talking to some guys and just in general conversation I asked what sports they played growing up (these are Canadian guys).
Two of the guys said that they were wrestlers in school. Then one of the girls said that she was a ‘Wrestling Cheerleader’. Apparently she was a football cheerleader for some of the year and then wrestling cheerleader the other part of the year.
Down in Australia growing up we played cricket, rugby union, rowing, tennis and basketball but there wasn’t even a wrestling team.
It was kinda funny because both these guys are 100% str8 and they both said that wrestling was kinda gay.
Did any of you guys wrestle as your sport growing up? I’d love to hear what you think of it.
i would go to matches in High School to support my
buds. it would have been a riot to see them in the uni above. perhaps alot more people in the stands.
I wrestled through my high school years, never really thought about it being gay, but I did enjoy checking out the other guys during the naked weigh-ins.