4 thoughts on “White Speedos

  1. Am I a bad person..?
    I was getting changed in the locker room after a workout at my gym, and I caught a glimpse of a guy removing his shorts to reveal a pair of black and orange speedos. His body was well formed and his arse toned. I spent as much time a possible watching him bend over and remove his socks. Was I right to watch?

  2. I am sure that the guy at the back washing the car is looking at his mates arse. Who can blame him, it is awesome in those low fitting speedos.

  3. even straight guys check each other out….. and that guy wshing car is just HOT! and who wouldnt heck him out! wgtnNZ he probs knew u were looking so he id it all just for you… 😉 so take advantege while u can 😀

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