7 thoughts on “Wet Dream

  1. Wow…it’s been years since I’ve had one (I can’t be certain, but probably since the late 90s…). Ever since I started wanking “properly,” I’ve rarely had them; and as these days I wank at least once and often as many as five to eight times a day, it’s very likely I won’t have one for ages.

    When I was a teenager, though (in fact, until more than halfway through my first year of college, I didn’t “wank properly,” i.e. never to the point of ejaculation…pre-cum sometimes, but never further than that. (Long story on why!) Then, I’d get wet dreams about once every three to six months. The content of the dreams was often completely non-sexual, which is even stranger. But, physiologically, one needs an outlet now and then, so you can imagine that a teenager with raging hormones who has not ejaculated for six months would end up producing such large amounts of ejaculate that the sheets on the bed would be soaked through…What a fascinating feeling!

    (And you know, the etymology of “fascinate” is specifically phallic in origin, i.e. a fascina was a small erect phallus as an amulet, that was looked on as a necessary averter of the “evil eye” in Roman culture–no loving parent would let their child out of the house without them wearing one for protection! This is all true!)

    I wonder if in cultures where childhood and teenage masturbation is not looked upon poorly, if they even have wet dreams…

    Then, of course, you’ve got celibate religious folks, who have “nocturnal emissions” and it’s considered a sin…Which is very convenient, if you want to keep people neurotic about their sexuality at all times. But that’s another topic…!

  2. I’ve had some wet dreams, less frequent as I grow older.

    The feeling of being sticky wet while sleeping (sheets included) is not a pleasant one for me. I don’t wake up inmediatly after a wet dream, but eventually I do and I change at least my underwear.

  3. In my experience, Dave, it would have to be much longer than a week. At least a month for me, probably (and I’ve gone for three weeks or more without wanking in the past fifteen years on a few occasions, and still have not had one)…

  4. Been years since I had one, too. Had them pretty regular in high school (still a virgin). Like you said, I think the first time I actually came was during a wet dream. Once I started having sex and wanking regularly, almost never get them.

  5. wow i sure am off replying but hey who cares? lol i have had heaps of sexual dreams but i dont know if ive ever came, like ive been told you wake up sticky or something but i never do. and thinking about all of those dreams, its weird that i havent.

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