11 thoughts on “Weird Speedos

  1. I love these! (Maybe not the pink and black, but then again, pink isn’t my color…)

    These are more speedos “to be seen in,” rather than your functional ones for doing laps and the like. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, particularly if you’re going to the beach to “be seen,” or are going hot-tubbing and the like.

  2. Wearing such colorful speedos would doubltess cause other gay guys’ gaydar to alert when they look at you, thus potentially yield a larger number of hook-ups. Few straight guys would wear speedos like these.

  3. If I looked as good in a pair of those as those guys do I wouldn’t hesitate to wear them at the beach.

  4. I like except for the black/pink. Yeah probably would wear them to the beach but then just give me a good ole pair of solid color aussie bikinis and I’m happy.

  5. I realize that this is totally personal preference, but to me, there’s nothing sexier than the look of a solid-color, classic, 2- or 3-inch side Speedo-style suit, whether in spandex, nylon, or polyester fabric. Something about the athletic association just makes them extra sexy, and the suit enhances rather than distracts from the wearer’s body. To me, there’s nothing “gay” about a Speedo like that, or something close to it. Unlike the suits in the picture above, which again, just in my opinion, scream “gay”.

  6. Not so sure about these! I am all for keeping to the classic speedo style which you can get these days in great colours and patterns. The only exception for me is the aussiebum superjock swimmers!

  7. I personelly love them they really look sexy and confortable. Where can i buy them do you know or anybody hnow?

  8. I like to bolder coloured speedos but these are not brief enough for me. Mine only cover what is necessary, they not be in fashion but they are great to wear.

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