7 thoughts on “Walk of Shame

  1. Dave… hot as pics as ever mate! Love the blog.

    Do you know what brand the first pair of swimmers are? They look hot.

  2. Hey guys,

    Thanks for your comments.

    I’m not sure what those first pair of speedos are but if you find out or if I do – let me know. Actually – I’ll post that pic on SwimmerSexuality.com – those guys seem to know everything.

    SwimmerBoy – haven’t thought about changing the header image – I love that cute guy, black speedos and condom between his lips…. If I find something better maybe I’ll rotate them automatically.

    What do you think of the header image?


  3. Haha, I see why you like him. He’s actually kinda awkward to me… what’s with the stuffed animal on the bed?! But it is your site, and you do it best. So I’m not gonna complain. 😀

  4. For some reason–no idea how I ever got this notion–I thought the guy on the header image was you, Dave! Wishful thinking, perhaps…?!? 😉

    This particular crop of images is quite nice, I must say. The first guy in the lace-ups looks almost like Erik on True Blood, at least to me.

  5. I think the first guy in the lace up is great. A few years ago I knew a guy who had a lace up speedo but the laces were at the side which wre only about 2 inches wide so they were really hot and came off ever so easily!

  6. Lol, I never noticed the stuffed animal until just now! The last two guys and my favourites, both the models and their wears.

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