Just like when I was 5 I’m up early on Xmas morning (just before 8am here). Going to be a pretty normal day with most of the house working. I’m going to go for a board and then start cooking up dinner. Dinner will be a big one and everyone should be over their Friday night hang overs.
Will still can’t believe that I slept with Julie – I think I have a disciple – hmmmm what should I do with my new found influence??? Hehehehe – I’ll keep you posted (if you haven’t read about this click here for the previous post)
Some pics of what I call Xmas spirit. This is the ‘Toronto Santa Speedo Run’ and I’m not sure how long it has been going for but was definitely held last year.
Congratulations for the Blog!!!
Merry Christmas from Portugal!
Hey… who got that beach right? where is it?