Towards the end of October I hooked up with a guy on the coast here called Michael – click here to read that post.
Since then I’ve just been too busy and with the exception of a few drunk ‘booty call’ SMS messages I haven’t caught up with Michael since that one time. Our hookup was pretty much ‘wham, bam, thankyou Mame’ and I didn’t tell Michael about this blog or anything else really for that matter.
Yesterday I got a SMS from Michael which read…..
R U Dave from AussieSpeedoGuy
My first thought was that he might be pissed off that I mentioned our ‘hook up’ but I’m always pretty careful to keep peoples identities private . So I replied.
Yeah I am – u OK with that?
Michael didn’t reply for maybe half an hour and I was beginning to think that maybe he was pissed off. Finally he SMS’ed me back….
I love reading your blog. Wanna catch up for some speedo fun on the beach tomorrow say 11am?
I didn’t have anything planned and the weather is supposed to be good so I said sure, I’ll cya at the same spot we used last time (it was a nice quiet spot in the dunes were I could see us never being interrupted).
Look forward to it – hope you don’t mind if I bring along another speedo enthusiast…..
About 5 minutes after I got that SMS I got a call from Michael explaining what was going on. He was telling one of his other ‘Fuck Buddies’ about meeting up with me and having fun in the dunes wearing our black speedos. Ends up his buddy is a reader of this blog and it rang a bell so he went back, checked on it and told Michael about it. Michael loves it and his friend asked him if he could organise for the three of us to get together in our speedos and have some fun.
It is about 9am here now but I’ll let you know how it goes.
man warm weathers the best for sex. Nice job on snagging a threesome. Im sure everyone reading this including myself are extremely jealous.
hahaha NICE!! soun like fun! i had a threesome once my best frien and another friend so it was a MMF threesome and then my friend (the girl) was kinda mad a me when she found out i was getting a blow job while she was trying to sleep, was fun but meaningless.
Hot x3