5 thoughts on “Two weeks to go

  1. Best place to get oysters in the city is at Hog Island in the Ferry Building. Monday and Thursday 5-7pm they have a really good happy hour w/ $1 oysters!

    Can’t go this week but maybe next?

  2. the last time i heard about Cliff House, my friends were eating dinner, then the earth moved. literaly.
    (if i recall it was about this time of year)

  3. Peter – thanks for the tip mate. I haven’t been to Hog Island but I’ll definitely make it for oyster happy hour before I leave the city.

    BeerDoc – I’ve felt a few shakes during my time in New Zealand but haven’t felt anything here. For some reason a SF quake seems scarier than a NZ quake.


  4. Yes, could do without the tattoo, but he’s still not bad, nor are any of the others in the photo…

    Peace, love, and speedos would be a lot easier if everyone looked like this, certainly…

  5. Great pic’s. Good luck with your Android project. A group of us at the office decided to learn Java & write some apps for Android. Bit unusual, but guess it’s the wave of the future.

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