14 thoughts on “Tom’s Speedo Solar

  1. The first guy looks like he prefers “cock up” rather than “cock down”. Like the guys in red and white, I could spend time with them. Yesterdays speedo photo of the day was awesome. It was of the guy lying on the beach in what look like see thru briefs. They no where covered his fantastic arse and I guess the front was equally brief. When I first saw him the elastic of my g-string was well stretched and I had to jerk off. My mate Will was over later and I showed him and we then did to each other what we both would have liked to do to him.

  2. amazon.com has a 1″ front/rear seam speedo called shattered glass available in a red and blue. There are like red, orange, black, white all mingled together and similar on the blue. These are really nice suits when wet and run about $30. american each. Check them out if you want a hot suite

  3. Awesome post as usual, Dave. 🙂

    I’ve always wanted to have friends where that sort of thing wouldn’t be an issue. Here in America most people seem to have a weird awkwardness towards speedos or anything that could possibly be “gay”. Sigh, well I guess you know how it goes.

    I love your blog, which I’m sure I’ve mentioned before. But one thing that always confused me is that I can’t find any link to go back to the main page- granted, hitting the back button isn’t that hard, but it still strikes me as odd.

    Best wishes!

  4. A straight buddy in speedo solars…. HOT!

    Does he look anything like in the black speedo solar (pic 4)?? He’s the nicest.. 😉

  5. I used to wear my speedo solars when I went to the beach with a straight buddy, finally got him to wear a speedo as well. Could never get it off of him though.

  6. SwimmerBoy,

    Thanks for the tip on that speedo on Amazon – I really like it and have just ordered one.

    I hadn’t realised the lack of a ‘home’ button. I’ll looking it this afternoon for you.


  7. Brad, thanks for pointing me to amazon, do not seem to have white solar speedos,but I found joe snyder swim briefs and they ARE brief, so I might go for a pair of these.

  8. Darren, might check Amazon again. I just ordered some white solar speedos, but I had to type in “White Solar Speedos” to find them. They had size 28″ – 38″, even sizes, on sale for $22.50 to $24.50. Yeah Joe Snyders are nice too.

  9. Thanks Brad, found the white solar speedos. Now I don’t know whether to be safe and buy the white solar which are lined or be more daring and buy white joe snyder which are unlined and see thru when wet. These could be more interesting on the beach.

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