4 thoughts on “To Will or not to Will

  1. Dave,
    You are certainly smitten with Will. I think you should explore all the possibilities with this guy to see of he is truely a bisexual or could become your one and only. Sounds like the two of you have an incredible chemistry that hasn’t run it’s course. I would get an apartment together and see what happens in Canada. I just can’t imagine why you would want to spend a winter in Canada as I sit here in my speedos in Florida just out of the pool, but to each their own. Come on down mate, the water is fine, and it stays that way through the winter. Speedo time never ends here. Anhyway Dave, just my humble opinion. Will sounds like a good prospect for another cold winter wherever you end up. Go for it.
    Rod in Ft. Myers

  2. If I were you I’d go back to Canada & work on Will. He wants to kick back for a winter before entering the working world – might be your last chance to spend a lot of time w/ him. Plus – you clearly love sex, especially with him. It seems like you got a lot more when he was around then you’ve been getting in NZ.

  3. I’m with Rod 100%. Love all of your stories, but my favorites are of you and Will, just the two of you. You definitely have great chemistry together. Spend the winter with him, one way or the other. He wants to do that as well. I think he is thinking about you a lot more than you believe. Leave yourself open to where this could go – maybe back to Oz as a happy couple.

    Go ahead, eviscerate at will…I’m a sucker for a good love story I guess…

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