I have just taken the longest break from blogging in well over 10 years!!!
I’m sorry I didn’t announce it, it really wasn’t planned. Usual Xmas/New Years chaos means I don’t really get up to as many speedo sexual escapades, which is what I love writing and sharing with you guys. After a few weeks it got me thinking if I wanted to continue with this blog or not?
Some of the pro’s of running the Aussie Speedo Guy blog I’ve come up with:
- I love sharing my experiences. Not being ‘out’, to most people in my daily life, blogging is often the only place I get to share my experiences.
- Over the years I’ve met some great people, both online and in their speedos.
Some of the con’s:
- It takes a lot of time!!! When I am running the blog properly, it is easily 3hrs a day. One hour reply to members and the payment stuff. An hour or so writing and preparing future blog posts (includes movies and galleries) and an hour of promoting the blog (Twitter, tube submissions, that kind of thing). That is at least 6 days a week.
- It doesn’t break even. So I am doing this as a bit of a charity although I love the support of members and it makes it easier.
- Being discrete is often tough….
Sounds like the pro’s outweigh the con’s and if I keep putting in the effort, it might break even one day cost wise.
I appreciate all the messages while I have been on hiatus, that definitely helped convince me to get back to it.
As of today, I will be back at it. Starting with working on some WordPress technical bugs that I will get Kip to help me with, as well as 70 emails that I need to work through.
Thanks for your support guys.