5 thoughts on “Time to get Speedo Fit

  1. Dave, you’re hard core if dessert consists of one Oreo. I think I need to come to YOU and learn about getting speedo fit.

  2. Oh, crikey, Dave…I may as well just give up and eat the whole box of Oreos, because I’ll never look like any of these guys!

    I’ll be over here, crying softly as I eat my milk and cookies…


  3. I actually had mini-Three Musketeers bars for dessert. I agree with A: you’ll need to swing by Detroit and help me get nice and Speedo trim as well.

    I’m throwing the rest of the minis out right now.

  4. Guys,

    Kip has one of those DVD fitness things – I think it is Insanity or P90 something. I tried it 2 days ago and I can barely lift my arms above my head.

    I’ve never done anything like that before and considering how sore I am it must be good. Once I recover I might try it again.


  5. I haven’t seen any new posts in your blog in a number of weeks, Dave.

    Is there something wrong with my computer, or have you been on hiatus?

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