Thanks for all your kind emails and comments guys.
Seems like we are all on the same page in that my use of ‘speedo’ is as a generic form but I have no idea how the legal stuff works. And, I can’t blame the Speedo Corporation or their lawyers for doing what they think is right – even if we think they are wrong.
Anyways, it is far too nice a day to be worried about these sort of things. It is a beautiful day and you could just about water ski off the beach here. Time for a walk and a swim – not sure I’ll be wearing white ‘swimwear’ but will be wearing my AussieBum Portseas so say g’day if you are walking along the beach.
“speedo” is the short decriptive term for a “speedometer” according to the Oxford English Dictionary
Sending you all my support Dave.. I love your blog! I have been following since the beginning and has been the No. 1 Blog out there!