4 thoughts on “This pic makes me as hard as him

  1. He’s certainly is cute enough. I would only kick him out of bed because there was more room to play on the floor. But he doesn’t make me hard or do nearly anything like what pic #4 of 7-16 does. He kept me awake, and up as it were, the other night as I rolled that luscious image over and over again in my mind thrying to figure out an adequate discription of that MAN. He is, indeed, a man. All I can think of as I look at his image is “fuck”, “lick*, “rim”and “suck”.

    Who is that Adonis?


  2. Anon,

    So yo u like them a little more ‘rugged’ hey? Str8 or tough looking guys in speedos is a definite turn on.

    I wonder where he got his ‘zipper’ speedo?


  3. I share your reaction to that pic, Dave. I’m going to have to go and relieve myself now, with his image in front of me 😉

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