So what do you guys think about the new layout?
I’m having some troubles coming up with a good pic for the heading (currently the backstroker in red speedos) but I do have a foto shoot arranged for a blog reader wearing my ‘Perfect Speedo‘ and hopefully I’ll ask the photographer to get a long shot that might fit in there.
Comments are allowed again – there is a bit of comment-anti-spam software now which I’ve installed so hopefully it will work OK. Great thing is you guys can leave comments on posts now.
I think that is about it for now – what do you guys think about it?
Ow and I have some news about this morning at the pool with Tom but I’m posting it up on ‘my site‘ now – it will be available for you guys to read here tomorrow. In the mean time though I should test how the pics look – what do you think about this guy?
The new layout rocks! The current banner is awesome. Look forward to seeing the new one(s).
Not usually a big fan of green… but if more boys looked like this in them… then I think I could learn to love them…. YUM!!
Thanks for turning comments back on! I love your new format. It is clean and neat, and I even like the picture at the top. I know that you want to replace it. Best of luck on finding something better. I voted for your site for the Gaybloggies. Congrats on your win. 🙂
Dave Evans
Just testing the comments system. I used to love reading your comments and I’l really hoping that this works out.
Great site, great layout, great pics – and underlying it all, a great idea. My own
admiration for speeo swimmers dates from seeing swimmers in speedo on television
when I was five or six, and I regret the passing of the simple speedo for competition
athletes. This means that young guys are missing out on the opportunity to get hooked
on a prime ertoic resource — I only hope that they are getting down to their own
local pools and being impressed by the speedo talent.
I’m glad that you’ve restored the comment facility. There’s one thing that needs
tweaking, as the box for typing in disappears under the Archives list.
When you re-ran your brilliant encounter with Brad and Lauren recently, I wanted to
comment then, to askwhether you feel that the swimwear fetish has an added advantage
in that situation. After all, you COULD have just joined the happy couple in their bed
for a fuck. But do you feel that keeping on the thin strips of material, particularly
Lauren’s bikini, helped keep everything safely in the realm of fantasy? And does that
operate in general when you are helping “str8” guys liberate their true innner sexuality?
Keep up the good work! Tomcat
Lovin it. Even works in IE7
Hey. Love the site and the new layout and all the pics you provide. When are we going to see a full pic of YOU? How about you model your swimwear and let us see what all those other lucky guys get to see and experience? 😉 Keep up the great job you’re doing.
Love the new layout… Only just started to get into your site about a week or two ago, procrastinating about exams, and it has provided no end of relief… Thanks Dave! x
It’s very nice to read your things! I love it, and from now on, I will read them!
It’s very nice to read about you and your ‘speedo-tic’ but i’ve the same. I love looking at
boxers and at speedo’s! CU!
Hooray – I keep seeing posts and pics on your site Dave that I really want to say something about – it’s been very frustrating not being able to. I HATE being frustrated…
Yippeee – look forward to seeing your perfect speedos pic
Big Jay
Dave i really like the new layout, and the pic on the top with that nice bulge is fine
with me!! 🙂 The guy in the green speedos is HOTT, love it!
I think that guy is DAMN hot, and that’s a very sexy shot of him too! WOW.
Awesome stuff Dave! Congrats