The Wikipedia definition of Bisexuality….
Bisexuality is a sexual orientation which refers to the romantic and/or sexual attraction of individuals to others of both genders (socially) or sexes (biologically). Most bisexuals are not equally attracted to men and women and may even shift between states of finding either gender or sex exclusively attractive over the course of time.However, some bisexuals are and remain fairly static in their level of attraction throughout their adult life.
In the mid-1940s, Alfred Kinsey devised the Kinsey scale in an attempt to measure sexual orientation and activity. The 7-point scale has a rating of 0 (“exclusively heterosexual”) to 6 (“exclusively homosexual”). Bisexuals cover most of the scale’s values (1–5), which range between “predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual” (1) to “predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual” (5). In the middle of the scale (3) is “equally heterosexual and homosexual”. Although Kinsey’s methodology has come under criticism, the scale is still widely used in describing the phenomenon of bisexuality.
Although observed in a variety of forms in human societies and in the animal kingdom throughout recorded history, the term bisexuality (like the terms hetero- and homosexuality) was only coined in the 19th century.
I think on that scale I’d be a 4 – how about yourself? I’m sure I’m going to bring up this post again.
Just a quick post as I’m up late and I had the RNC on TV because I think the speeches are fantastic – fantastic in their delivery, just as the DNC speeches are great – I will watch the DNC speeches I promise. Next time around I think I’d like to go along and see it in the flesh if I’m in America.
I just wanted to ask if anyone else here would like to see a threesome between Paul Ryan, his wife Janna and Anne Romney? I reckon even old Mitt would have a pretty hot body so lets make it a foursome.
You guys seem to like it that I’m speaking from the heart a little more on this blog so this is what you get.
My tip to the Republicans….. rich old white guys have no place talking (and legislating) on issues dealing with gay guys or womens health (abortion – it is a womans body – her choice). Silly old bastards should just shut up and say that it isn’t their area of expertise and they’ll abstain from any vote on those issues. Simple, the Republicans would win everything and that Rachel Maddow would shut up – I used to like her but now she is just nasty because of the election.
I was watching the Convention on PBS because I don’t like the FOX crap or the MSNBC crap – I flicked over during Paul Ryans speech and MSNBC was in a commercial. That is terrible. I’m going to test that when the DNC Convension is on and if FOX holds a commercial during Vice-President Biden’s speech I’m going to write a letter to Rupert Murdoch.
Sorry for the politics guys – tomorrow I have a chance for you to get some Dave Evans Swimwear – white, super see through and it includes a months membership to
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