Kip made it safe and sound and I had a great Friday night in the big smoke.
Yesterday, Sunday, the boys were about and we had an afternoon BBQ and some BYC, back yard cricket. The back yard at one of the boys houses looks just like the one in the pic below.
No speedos but some short shorts that some of the guys love wearing.
It was a great afternoon and Kip can’t believe that even my accent sounds thicker here compared to when I left Colorado back in February.
This week it is supposed to be pretty cold so I might start looking at a ski trip down to Perisher…. whoohooo!!!!
Ow – and Alex was around as well and got along fine with Kip….. I think something between the three of us will happen this week. I will keep you guys posted. Actually, tomorrow I’ll post about what I got up to in Sydney.
I’m pretty sure Kip is already on his way!!!
- From door to door I figured out it is about 40 hours of travel for him.
- Breckenridge – Denver International Airport
- Denver International Airport – San Francisco International Airport
- San Francisco International Airport – Sydney International Airport
- Sydney International Airport – Dave’s place on the beach!!!
He is arriving Saturday morning so I’m going to drive down to Sydney this afternoon, spend the night in the big city with an old gay friend of mine (he isn’t old, he is an old friend from growing up).
Should be an interesting night actually, I’m sure my old gay mate will take me out on the town since it has been a while since I’ve been in civilization (those snooty Sydney folks don’t think us beach people are civilized). Although I’ve never fucked this guy, he is single and he lives in a studio overlooking Hyde Park and there is only one bed……
I’m sure Kip will be tired by the time he gets up to my place so me being fucked hard the night/morning before might give him a reprieve before we get it on.
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