My swimming has really improved over the last couple of months.
Being at 9,500 feet above sea level I couldn’t believe how pathetic I was when I got back into the pool. It wasn’t so much my arms or muscles but purely a lack of breath. I should be able to jump into a pool and swim 1,000m no problems but up here, I couldn’t swim 300m without having to stop from lack of breath.
It has been slow but I’m starting to get on top of it and I can swim 1,000m now without a breath. Still nothing compared to what I could do years ago and at sea level but it is nice to look back at the improvement I’ve made.
How many of you guys swim? Anyone swum at altitude? Would love to hear your thoughts.
I did order some red speedos, Arena, which I’ll be looking forward to arriving next week.
Other than that, I don’t have a whole lot to post today. The Denver boys did come up on Sunday night and I’m going to have to sit down and put my thoughts in writing – it was really hot yet again. So stay tuned for that.
I posted some hot one piece swimsuit pics of two girls playing with each other over on – well worth checking out if you like that kind of thing (which I do).
I’m not sure what I’m going to do today, at the beginning of each month I write down the top 10 things that I want to get done for the month. It was an idea of Kip’s a few years ago when he showed me that Linux (open source software where developers from anywhere in the world can contribute fixes to their program or new features), anyway Linux did a top 10 list where people got to vote on the things that were more important.
So this morning I’m up early and I have a long list and I’m not really sure where to start.
I think I should go for a swim to help me decide.
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