The local pool in Breckenridge isn’t like anything in Australia.
For starters, it is negative a lot of degrees outside, so the pool is indoors. Then, the pool isn’t a real length…. it isn’t the 50m pool I’m used to, it isn’t even 25m, it is 22.something meters.
I’m told it is 72 lengths to 1 mile.
That is stupid.
Why not make it 75? Would be easier to count.
And the pool is at 8,750 feet above sea level. that is 698m above Australia’s highest mountain. or 31 and a half lengths, of their pool.
That isn’t where the oddities end……
At my pool in Australia, I don’t usually use the change rooms. I just wear our speedos under my shorts or jeans. So I drop them and go swimming. Being in Colorado you have to use a change room… it is bloody cold outside.
In Aussie, when I go to the pool, most folks are swimming for training or exercise. In Colorado, the pool is more of a cheap fun park for families and kids.
I get it, and there are lessons and high school squad training and then adult masters training going on. A quiet day at the Breckenridge pool, is like every day at an Australian pool…. combined. I’m not a fan of the crowds, but I love that people are using a beautiful indoor facility. Kids learning to swim, people trying to loose weight and athletes training for events. It is fantastic.
In Aussie, for most of those things I just listed, we go to the beach. It is cheaper…. maybe we are just tight arses?
While I’m on a roll, I’d like to point out more differences.
My experience of Aussie change rooms (which I don’t usual use), are an in and out thing (except when something naughty happens – click here to find out about my naughty change room experiences).
In America, it seems like a slower process. Strip down, walk around, take a leak, weigh yourself, arrange your clothing in alphabetical order. All while being naked.
Yes, never seen more bare bums in my life (I run porn sites) than in an American change room at the local pool.
Nothing sexual, just weird. And not something I grew up with.
I get changed, maybe under the towel and get it done. These American fellas were walking around strutting and chatting.
So, in Breckenridge, after seeing more than a barbie load of American sausage, I was down to my speedos and went to the pool, with my swimming goggles.
One would have though I had committed a crime.
Walking out of the change rooms, the weird pool version of elevator music stopped. The lifeguards…. the pool isn’t deep enough for lifeguards, let alone 4 of them, stopped mid step, mothers nearly (I’ve be overstating it if they really did) covered their children eyes.
The Aussie is going to swim 2kms, I can’t figure it out so I’m going to swim 108 lengths which is 1.5 miles – which is more than 2kms which would usually take me 40 minutes, but being at altitude might take me 55 minutes. I’m there to swim, swim for a long time, and do it properly.
I’m not going to swim 108 lengths in a pair of baggy board shorts…. what else am I supposed to wear?
And, I just saw 20 penises in the change rooms. Right now, I feel like I’m holding the modesty card.
After my 108 laps I feel like a sauna…. peer pressure makes me go back into the morass of cocks that is the American change room and put some dork shorts on so I am not the weirdo wearing a speedo.
I don’t get it, it is weird and this is why I spend all the time and treasure on this blog promoting speedos and why it is just normal.
This time in two days I will be on the train to get on the plane to get on the bus to get on the chairlift to go snowboarding in Colorado!!!
Since I’m travelling for 30 something hours I have work to get done and Kip and I have some fun work projects to work on while I’m in Colorado so it isn’t really a holiday as much as it is a work trip (that is what I’m telling the tax man anyways).
I had planned on just cramming work for the next two days but after seeing today’s Speedo Photo of the Day on my site I’ve been compelled to get off my date and get to the pool.
I’ll be back in an hour.
This morning I went for a bit of an explore here on Queensland’s Gold Coast this morning and I am impressed with the number of guys I saw speedo’ing it up.
I walked down to the Southport Surf Club for a walk along the beach and I was greeted by this gorgeous early 20’s guy in a maroon speedo showering after he had been for a swim. My walk along the beach to where the weekend car race was (do they still race Indy Cars or is it just V8’s these days?). There wasn’t too many people swimming but the ones I did were older guys, all wearing speedos!!!
The surf was pretty crap (on shore wind) but I stripped down to my red speedos for a dip and then rinsed off in the shower that the gorgeous guy did. There were a few people around but nobody cared.
Getting back to the unit I thought I should get some laps in, there is a new and impressive swimming complex on the broadwater so I grabbed one of the old mountain bikes in the garage. Before I got to the pool I saw an enclosed swimming area which I had completely forgotten about. That sounded much better than swimming at the pool so I stopped there.
I swam for half an hour or so which was fantastic and there is a bit of a floating deck in the middle so I sat up on there and in the 10 minutes I was sitting there (in my red speedo of course) I saw two hot guys (not together) rock up and strip down to speedos (one was wearing what looked like surf club speedos).
It really was awesome to see so many guys wearing speedos – well done and congratulations Queensland!!!
Tomorrow, I’ll tell you what I am doing up here.
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