Bit of an overcast day here so instead of being on the beach I went to the local pool for the first time.
It is only a 10 minute drive, it is outdoors and 50m.
I’m not sure how it is else where in the world but if you are swimming laps here in Australia then it would be weird if you weren’t wearing speedos. All the other guys that I saw there (maybe 4) were wearing speedos and I was wearing a pair of black spank speedos.
Unfortunately, I didn’t see any of these three guys pictured below.
It is great to be back in the pool and it is a great excuse to wear speedos in public.
Well I haven’t made it down to Sydney yet and I’m not sure I will.
Last night was one of those nights that was just going to be a quiet one at home. I was in the ocean until nearly sunset, had a little dinner, had a couple of scotches while watching a movie and then all of a sudden
There are 8 of us going to the local pub and I was pretty drunk. It ended up a great night – as the impromptu ones often do. Spoke to some pretty girls (if anyone knows a ‘Rachel’ who carries vodka in her handbag I was super impressed and I didn’t get a chance to get her number).
I danced a bunch and I don’t normally dance.
And to top it all off I got my hung over arse out of bed and went for a swim at the beach before 9am. I’m not sure how long I’m going to last but the cricket starts in under and hour and I’m holding out for that.
I am back after nearly two months on the road, just a little bit of a road trip to catch up with some old friends, and I managed to make some new friends (naughty, and otherwise).
Now I am back on the Sunshine Coast, here in Australia and I have a bit of catching up to do. I am busy writing about some of the naughty speedo experiences I had on my trip, and I am working on a bit of a revamp of the blog (long overdue).
Of course, thanks to all the members for your support. It is your support which allows me to spend so much time working on this blog.
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