Today’s “Speedo Photo of the Day” is a hot red speedo photo so I thought I’d post some pics of guys wearing red speedos…. why not?
I only have one red speedo in my quiver these days and they are kinda old speedo brand lycra ones. I think maybe I should include a red speedo in Kip and my Xmas stockings. Can anyone recommend some red speedos?
Speaking of the “Speedo Photo of the Day”, right now there are 560 pics but I’ve made up just past 600 and the 600th photo is very appropriate…. I’m not telling anymore so you’ll just have to keep checking it out.
On August 2nd I posted about the 500th Speedo Photo of the Day on my site The photo I chose for that day was a great close up of these darn speedos wet in the pool with a very visible penis line.
I had no idea of the speedos, never seen them before.
As usual, my trusty readers knew exactly where I could find them. They are a brand called Dietz. The speedos in the photo don’t look as good when they aren’t wet – they are kinda grey but I did find some more photos of them for you guys since you liked them so much.
Drop in and check out the Speedo Photo of the Day anytime –
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