Someone sent me a link to these Arena speedos on Amazon. I followed the link as I was curious to see the price…. holy cow they are $55.
While disappointed in the price, I was very happy with the cute brunette speedo model. He looks delicious and I bet they sell more of these speedos because of him.
Anyone own a pair of these? I have owned Arena speedos in the past and from memory they were good. Nice fit, lycra, they did tend to fall apart and elastic goes on them but that happens with most speedos when you wear them ALL the time.
Members, click here for the Amazon link.
I have mentioned many times…. I need a boat. Just imagine the speedo fun that I would be able to get up?!?!
Looks like one of my all time favourite speedo guys, the Hawaii Speedo Student has bought a boat himself. As expected, by owning a boat, he has been hanging out with boating people and, as expected, he has been speedo’ing it up.
For those who don’t know the history of the Speedo Student, I’ll post more about Speedo Student later in the week.
Today I was just surfing around and one of the speedo guys I follow on the Twitter just bought a pair of Addicted speedos, they happen to be my favourite speedos right now too.
Ben is a 20yo Kiwi guy who loves swimming, and taking speedo selfies. If you are a member, click here to see his profile (if not, click here to join so I can share this with you).
Here are some of my speedo selfies…. since I am wearing these to the pool ever couple of days I’ll post some more personal selfies for members next week.
And here is a ‘real’ speedo model wearing these. Do you guys like these? If you would like to buy a pair, email me and I’ll let you know where to get them.
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