I am a fan of kissing!!!
One of the guys I picked up on Grindr last week didn’t want to be kissed and I thought that was a shame.
I’ve spoken before about the taboo of guys kissing vs girls kissing (I’m a huge fan of 2 girls kissing as well).
So I’d love to know if you guys are big kissers or could do with out it?
Loved all your comments on my post last week about double standards when it comes to guys kissing vs girls kissing.
I’ve read every single comment ever posted on this blog (you guys clocked over 1,900 last week) and it is one of the things I enjoy the most.
As a reward, here are some more guys kissing in speedos for you guys.
I’m always busy and one of the projects I’m working on right now is a new speedo site – it is a revamp of an old site which I loved called SpeedoPics.com but which the Evil Speedo Corporation stole from me.
It is in the early stages so I don’t have much to share but I was going through some of the old SpeedoPics source images and I found some of these old speedo gems.
I don’t know which movie this is from but it is one of my old favourite photo sets – not sure about the orange speedos but these guys make them look hot.
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