The last two days I’ve done some amazing work on my speedo tan!!!!
I’ve found the perfect, quiet place to tan up so I’m looking forward to having a tan like this guy below here.
Since I’ve moved back to the beach I can’t believe how brown I’ve gotten all over really. I haven’t been burnt and I try and cover up but I’ve still gotten a fair bit of colour. It feels, and looks if I don’t mind saying so myself, great.
Today however it is cloudy and no sun so I’m going to be working all day.
Last night Kip figured out the problem with the speedo forum – it is now online at
The forum is back online and rocking along.
For those of you here who don’t know about is it a free forum/discussion board. There are some great members and there is enuf traffic on the site that there are some good discussions and always new photos being posted.
Drop by and check it out –
I’m off for a ski this morning and tonight I am taking Laura out for dinner…. hopefully she’ll invite me in after the goodnight kiss. I’m starting to get blue balls here and I haven’t had my usual morning wank today so cross your fingers for me.
Speaking of white speedos though….. here are some of my favourite white speedo photos.
Fetish Underwear
I had some great comments yesterday – thanks for those guys. I love reading your comments (I try and reply to most of them) and it makes it look like people are actually reading this.
One of the comments/questions was what brand are the speedos in the post below – the ones which are lase up at the front. I’m not sure what they are but once I finish this post I’ll head over to the forum (which is a free forum which I host and moderate). There is a great following over there and no doubt someone will know where they are from.
I was thinking though – does anyone know where those blue g-string/shorts are from? Here is the pic I posted a few days ago…..