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2 speedo guys and the road…..

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Two days in a row of early blog posts – aren’t you guys lucky.

Maybe I’m just feeling guilty about missing an entire week of blog posts.

Kip and I are just about to hit the road (he is packing the Durango while I finish his post).

We are heading south.  There are some sand dunes that we will try and see, we might knock off Mount Princeton (which is a peak above 14,000 feet – 6,267m).  We’ll loop around anti-clockwise and maybe check out the hot springs in Glenwood Springs before getting back home Sunday or Monday or Tuesday.

I’m excited to get on the road and we’re just going to wing it.  I’m sure Grindr will be used but these are small towns so not sure if it will work.

The weather is supposed to be super warm and we are looking forward to maybe getting in the water…. the water on the Australian Central NSW Coast is probably warmer in winter than the lakes and rivers in Colorado in summer but we’ll see.

Blue Speedos

June 28th, 2013

Off the Grid

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I can’t believe it was last Thursday that I posted.  That has to be a new record of slackness on my part.

I have a couple of excuses though:

  1. Last weekend was HUGE.  My liver still hurts.  The Denver Boys came up for the weekend and we hit the Keystone Bacon Festival both Saturday and Sunday.  This chick band that does covers of ACDC (I think they are called Hells Bells) were playing which was awesome.
  2. With the Denver Boys in town you can only imagine that Kip and I didn’t get too much sleep.
  3. By Monday afternoon, just when I should be recovering, I started coming down with a cold and by Tuesday morning I was again all but useless except for a different reason now.

OK – those excuses are lame for not posting but that is what has been happening.

This weekend Kip and I are thinking of going on a road/camping trip.  Not exactly sure where but I’ll keep you guys posted – we might check out Grindr or even Craigslist to see if we might be able to hook up with some guys….. you never know – hehehe.

As a result I’m up super duper early today, writing this and catching up.  I’m feeling better from my cold, not quite 100% but I should be right by the weekend.

I’ve got a bunch of my white DE Swimwear to post to new members of which will go out today so keep an eye on the letter box early next week guys.

Black Speedo

June 27th, 2013

Sunday Drive

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Just a quick post because Kip wants to go out for a mountain bike ride this morning.

On Sunday we went for a bit of a road trip loop through the heart of middle America.  We drove down to Buena Vista and then back through Fairplay – I can’t imagine how tough it must be in these downs in the heart of winter.

The last part of the drive was along a dirt road up Boreas Pass which was gorgeous.  I’ve never been here when the trees are turning and really is amazing.

Here is a pic I took out the window.

September 18th, 2012

Florence, Oregon

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Just a quick post to let you know that after a HUGE day of driving I’m in Florence, Oregon.

The coastline today was gorgeous – although not really a ‘speedo coastline’ being so rugged.

I spoke to my friends from Portland and they told me that I could stay at their holiday home in Seaside if I wanted so I think tomorrow I might drive up there (no too far I’m told) and spend at least one night.

Any speedo friends in Seaside?

I’m off to find some chinese takeout for dinner.

Published under About Me, Travelsend this post
January 8th, 2012

Getting off tomorrow….

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Well guys, I’ve bought a car yesterday afternoon – it is an old Dodge Durango and I love it!!!

With a car ready to roll I’m going to start my road trip tomorrow and start heading north.  My friends in Oregon are out of down (they have a house in Palm Springs and headed down there after New Years) so pretty much my destination is Vancouver.  MapQuest tells me it is only a 16hr drive (950miles/1500kms).  That is the direct route but I think I’m going to try and hug the coastline as much as I can – will probably double the distance but I’m not in any super rush.

I’m going to start out super early and pretty much just see how far I get before sunset – anyone have a recommendation on a little beachside town about a days drive north of San Fran?

Here is a pic of my new baby – 5.9L V8 sounds very nice too……

Published under About Me, Travelsend this post
January 7th, 2012

Travel Plans

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It has been a hell of a roller coaster ride over the last month or so.

I haven’t spoken much about my travels or travel plans but the lease on my home on the Central NSW Coast was coming up for renewal and with the Evil Speedo Corporation suing me I didn’t want to cause any embarrassment to my friends or myself so I thought a road trip was a good idea to both clean my head, keep a low profile and catch up with some old friends and meet some new ones.

Part 1: San Francisco
I’ve got some really good friends who live in San Fran.  They have one of those beautful old 3 story homes right in the middle of the city which they’ve spent the last 5yrs fixing up and it is gorgeous.  The wife half of the couple is recently pregnant for the first time and they were more than happy to rent on of their many spare rooms to me for a month or so.  I love San Francisco as a city and hanging out with these guys makes me feel like a local.  I’ll stay here until after Xmas/New Years before picking up a car and driving north.

Part 2: Road Trip
This is going to be huge and a hell of a lot of fun.  I’ll buy a car in San Fran and head north. I’ve got some friends in Portland, Oregon who I’ll swing by and say hello – maybe get a couple of days snowboarding Mt. Hood.   Then I’ll stop in Washington State and get a few days snowboarding Mt. Bachelor (which gets the most snow of anywhere on the planet) and Stevens Pass (where some friends have a cabin).

From Seatle I’ll head into Canada. I have spent some time in Canada (2 winters) and I have too many mates to catch up with.  Hopefully I’ll board at Whistler then head east to the Okanagan where I spent those 2 winters.  Hopefully I’ll be able to spend a couple of weeks up here before crossing the Canadian Rockies and driving to Banff.  I love Banff and could easily live there year round.  Not sure how much boarding I’ll get in Banff but it will be good to catch up with some Aussie mates who are there for the winter.

After Banff I’ll head back to the US.  I don’t know as many folks in this area but getting to ride some of the Montana resorts like Whitefish or Big Sky would be great but I’m not sure if that will work out.

Then, I’ll arrive at Kips place in Breckenridge.

Part 3: Breckenridge
Each year I try to get over and see Kip in Breck.  He and his sister live in a great house right in town and Breck is an awesome town and an awesome mountain.

I don’t think I’ll get down to Breck until the end of January or even Febuary.

It is great when I get to stay with Kip – we get a bunch of work done and we get to party pretty hard.  As well as some pretty hot jacuzzi sessions.  My plan is to stay in Breck until spring break and then head to Vegas.

Part 4: Back to San Fran
This is a drive that I’ve wanted to do for years but never had the chance.  Mainly just Vegas, Grand Canyon and then through Yosemite National Park back to San Fran is the plan.

A week in Vegas (maybe) over spring break sounds like it could be fun.

Part 5: What next?
I have no idea what I’ll do when I get back to San Fran but I’m sure something will pop up.

Published under About Me, Travelsend this post
December 5th, 2011
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