I’ve seen these charts over the last couple of days on the box and I’m not sure I quite agree with them.
My view on gay marriage is, why not. I don’t want to impose on anyone or any religious organisation and force them to marry gay people but there is no reason for that to impose on a non-catholics rights.
My problem with these charts that have been branded about is that in 2008 California voted on Prop 8 and gay marriage was voted down 52 to 48 (there abouts). California has to be one of the more liberal minded states in the US and if they couldn’t even vote for it, I can’t imagine some of those more conservate states coming even close to those stats.
Do you think maybe when people are asked in public that they might say that they support gay marriage but in the privacy of a voting booth they wouldn’t? I’m sure all 4 of my grandparents are not in favour of gay marriage and probably not my parents. On the other hand, the right wing/republican friends of mine here in the US who are around my age, they support gay marriage (again, maybe just in public though).
What do you think about the figures in the charts below?
Any of you guys who have been around here for a while know I love my politics but I try hard not to post on here about it too much.
If you don’t want to read my political ranting – I did post about an MMMF bisexual foursome fantasy that I’ve been having recently on my other blog www.BisexualDave.com – you can read that if you need your
Tonight one of my friends in town invited me to a party to watch the first Presidential Debate. Being San Francisco, my political leanings are polar to most of my friends but that just makes it more fun and on most social issues, I’m left leaning.
I hate how the Republican Party here tries gay marriage and abortion to their main issues – from my perspective, a Republican in the White House can’t change either of those issues – the courts decide those issues or the states can by referrendums (or whatever you call a referrendum here in the US). Unfortunately, the Liberal Party in Australia is going down this same road. And rich old white guys should not be commenting on abortions – I’d love to see some Republican get an abortion question and simply say – “I shouldn’t comment on things of this nature. In a vote, I’ll abstain and I trust the courts to decide the issue.” Wouldn’t that be a breath of fresh air?
One other rant for today – voter ID. I understand that this will ‘help’ the Republican Party because the Democrats generally get the vote of younger people, minorities (didn’t Obama get 98% of the black vote in 2008 – that to me is racist in itself). However, you can’t do ANYTHING without photo ID these days and for the sake of the integrity of the voting system, I believe you should have to provide ID. Every single time I go to the liquor store here in my neighbourhood – I can’t get a 6 pack without an ID. I’d never dream of driving here in the US without my drivers licence, my bank here asked me for ID to pull out cash from my account (despite having my debit card) and you can’t go near an aeroplane without ID obviously.
Now, if it is too difficult for old or poor people to get photo ID – that is a seperate problem. Don’t bring into question the election process because the bureacracy terrible. That is horrible if someone can’t get photo ID because of all the things I just mentioned are not available to those people. I’m sure minorities and old people would like to grab a 6 pack of beer every now and then.
Just my 2 cents worth – I promise to get back to the speedos tomorrow. I did post about a bisexual MMMF foursome fantasy that I’ve been having recently over on my other blog – www.BisexualDave.com.
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