Bit of a rainy start to the week here on Australia’s, Sunshine Coast. We haven’t had rain for ages so it was nice waking up to the sound of rain this morning.
Does mean no beach weather today, I will still try and get to the pool this afternoon.
Ow well, means I will get to spend more time dedicated to working through some new movies I have for the archive, and I will be publishing a new Movie of the Week here in the next day or two. Any requests?
Which of these guys would you like to see in a speedo porn movie?
It is actually a trick question…. if you are a member of my site, you’ll be seeing all of these guys in various combinations in a bunch of new speedo porn movies over the next two weeks.
Just some new movie content which I am working on and I have to admit to you guys, sometimes my work is ‘hard’.
If you haven’t seen it, swing on over to, it is a mega porn site with 100’s of hours of HD speedo porn.
These days I feel that a lot of swimwear companies (ie AussieBum or N2N) are making speedos that are a bit too ‘gay’. I have to admit that in my current speedo collection there are a lot of speedos that I can’t really wear to the pool to do lap swimming.
With that in mine, I love those photo shoot of these two hunks wearing just normal speedos.
Don’t they look great!!!
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