Last post before I leave.
Under my jeans I’m wearing a pair of red speedos since Kip has been hearing about all the trouble that Alex and I have been getting in to in our red speedos.
I think I should be arriving at Kips place on Saturday afternoon, if I’ve got the date line stuff all correct in my head. I’m pretty sure I’ll be keen to hottub it up ASAP so I’ll be ready.
If I was strip searched at the airport (does that happen these days?) I wonder what the security people would think when I took off my jeans and showed my red speedos? OK guys, gotta fly, heading to the airport with a mate who works in the city. Bring on the free booze on international flights!!!
Today is Kip’s last here on the coast. Tomorrow we are going to drive down to Sydney, he is going to spend the night at an airport hotel and I’m picking up some mates who are flying in. Not really a coincidence because we planned it this way.
It has been a great trip and I love it when Kip is in the house. We’ve got a bunch of work done, the biggest one being the new movies system on that allows guys to watch the movies on all platforms.
Kip has definitely gotten a taste for Aussie guys while he has been here, he’s met Alex who I was in the process of ‘breaking in’ when Kip arrived. Kip has spent more time in the ocean than he has in his life and he went snowboarding among gum trees.
Being Kip’s last day I wanted to take him to one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve found called Maitland Bay. I kinda just stumbled over this beach a few years ago and it is about an hour walk from the entry that I know about although I think there is a shorter way to get into it. The photos below show just how beautiful it is but if you look out towards the ocean and south you can see the Sydney skyline!!!
There weren’t any people around so Kip and I speedo’d it up and I even got Kip to make out with me in the ocean which was pretty hot. We could have fucked there but I have something planned for later tonight and wanted to ‘save Kip’ – hehehehe, can you guess what I have planned for him? I’ll tell you about it tomorrow.
Next time we see each other might be in Feb/March in Colorado for some snowboarding and some speedo sex, hottub style.
The walk in is amazing as well. Being nerds we take out laptops to the beach. We did a bit of work while we were there.
Charlotte’s Pass was a hoot yesterday – it is a small little ski area and there were a few people there (being a weekend in the middle of the season). It was a long day though and we didn’t get back to the house until about 7pm (there might have been some apres skiing involved)
Back at the house we were all keen for hottub and after a few drinks and not enough dinner one of the guys and Kip ended up wrestling. Kip wrestled in high school. It was pretty funny with 4 of us sitting around in speedos or a towel over our speedos watching 2 guys wrestle in speedos. Well, one thing turned to another and things turned x-rated.
Since we arrived on Thursday night we established that Adam (our host whose house it is) and his partner were strictly platonic BUT the other couple were open minded…… It was one of the other couple that Kip was wrestling.
As Kip and this guy were wrestling it was pretty hot and I was getting an erection and Kip and the guy he was wrestling were targetting their man-parts more and more.
I don’t have time to write any more right now but it turns out four of us ended up fucking on the living room floor in front of the fire while Adam and his partner enjoyed the show. It was pretty fucking hot and a good way to expend some bent up sexual tension between the 6 of us.
Tomorrow, Adam, his partner and the other couple are heading back to Sydney and Kip and I will have the house to ourselves for a couple of days before we head back to the beach. This should give me more time to explain in detail….. juicy details I promise. Hope you guys had a good weekend.
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