With all the arse pounding I received from Kip and “Str8 acting online dude” the other night I’m settling for oral sex only for a few days.
Since blowjobs are on the tip of my tongue (hehe) I just did an update on my site GayBlowBuddy.com.
I’ve got some plans to make a blowjob only site down the track but in the mean time I wanted to put something up on that domain. So I created a photo blog. Every day there is a new blowjob photo.
If you haven’t been over there check it out – www.GayBlowBuddy.com
My 14 hour flight is over.
Actually it was more like 16 hours if you include my domestic flight from LA to Denver, and then you have to add the 5hr layover I had in LA. Then don’t forget my 1.5hr train trip into Sydney and then I had to be at the airport a bit over 2 hrs before the flight. So all in all I left home over 24 hours ago.
Right now I’m sitting in Denver International Airport waiting for the shuttle ride up to Breckenridge.
I’m exhausted – I’m looking forward to sitting in Kip’s hottub and letting him work his magic on my cock.
Who doesn’t like being sucked off in a hottub.
Here are some blowjob photos from my site www.GayBlowBuddies.com
I was talking to a guy online last night who is going to be in the area tomorrow.
He is 24yo but new to the gay scene and asked if it would be OK to hook up for just some oral action.
Obviously I didn’t object!!! Of course if he wants to fuck me he is more than welcome. I’ll let you guys know how it goes.
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