Woke up this morning to some fresh snow on the ground which is nice to see. Kip and I were out for first chair and had a great morning.
Just about to head out for some household chores (grocery shopping, posting some DE Swimwear for new members on SwimmerBoyz.com, etc) but I thought I’d post some pics quickly.
Some random blue speedo photos that I have had floating around for a while. I might have Kip drop me at the pool on the way home and since I’ve posted some blue speedo pics I will put on some blue speedos under my jeans – they are AussieBum Portseas, say g’day if you recognise me at the pool 😉
I still have no idea what I’m going to do this summer. My original plan was to be back on the Central NSW Coast (1hr north of Sydney on the beach) around Feb 1st but that has elapsed.
I don’t really want to spend another winter on the coast and everyone is telling me how nice Colorado is in the summer so that might be an option – with a bit of travel through the US of course, I have never been out to the east coast at all.
If I decide to stay here I’ll definitely have to get involved in some sport or something to meet some folks. Not sure if they have a waterpolo team up here or maybe I could try my arm at baseball. I hear they have some rugby teams in Denver but I was terrible at rugby at school and I’d probably just get smashed. Anything involving speedos of course would be preferable.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be hanging out with a bunch of guys like this.
Holy moly did town get busy quick!!!
Kip and I went boarding this morning but barely lasted an hour before it got too busy. There is more snow on the way though and I think we’ll ski first thing on Xmas morning which I still find pretty kewl, considering growing up I’d spend Xmas day on the beach in 35C heat.
Hopefully it will be a quiet week for us and then the weekend after things will start to get crazy again – happy crazy of course.
Some blue speedo eye candy for you guys to enjoy.
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