This was a recent ‘Speedo Photo of the Day‘ from my site
This morning I was a little late on my swim, coffee and walk along the beach. It was getting close to 10am by the time I banged out 1,500m at the pool and started the short walk back to my place.
Walking along the beach the tide was pretty high so there wasn’t as much sand and I walked past three guys who were face down working on their speedo tans. Two were older guys, one guy was maybe thirties and I couldn’t really tell much since he was face down and didn’t turn around when I walked past.
I was wearing a towel over my speedos, otherwise shirtless, so nothing really for him to turn around for.
Good to see Aussie blokes out in their speedos. If only there were more guys who looked like this…. I would definitely give him a wave, or a nod or some kind of message telling him to follow me back to my house.
I was just talking to Kip (Saturday evening his time in Colorado) and he tells me that the current/new Movie of the Week seems to be a success with just over 10,000 downloads!!!
It is because of that huge download that I need to have members helping me pay those bills…
Speaking of members, here are some speedo dick pics from one of the new members to the blog. He gave me permission to share this first photo with you all… and some more (showing his actual dick) to members.
If you want to see the actual dick, click here to become a member. It is $5.
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