The original post has been DELETED!!!!
This is a first – I delete photos and edit posts all the time but deleting an entire post… this is a first.
It has been hinted to me that this post was in bad taste.
Regardless of what I think – that is good enuf reason for me to delete a post. Actually not regardless…. if you email me and you sound like you vote for the green party or you think Al Gore makes any sense at all then I’ll consider that something that my spam blocker missed and I’ll ignore you.
To tell the truth I’m getting about 5 emails a week from hardcore Muslims telling me how I’m going to burn at the hand of Allah. They don’t like gays (obviously) but on my occasional reply email I like to point out that they don’t like women to be educated (or be allowed to vote) – and I invite them to leave the dark ages and join the rest of us in the 21st century. As one of my favourite comedians says… “You can’t fix stupid”.
The first person to name that comedian – I’ll give you a months subscription to the new
(And I don’t care if you are a man or woman, where you are from, where your grandparents are from, what faith you have or don’t have, what your political leaning is or who you sleep next to at night – I think perhaps deep down Allah and Jesus had a similar outlook on things).
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