Over the last few weeks I’ve really appreciated all the comments you guys have been posting. As I write this post (my 2,062th) there have been 6,787 comments and I can say that I’ve read every single one of them.
Yesterday was no different when I posted about wearing white speedos to the pool for the first time.
It was a cold, overcast kind of day and there were 2 other people in the pool and nobody else the whole time I was there (a bit over an hour). An Olympic sized pool looks pretty big with only 3 people in it. So in the end, nobody noticed and nobody cared.
Usual Friday afternoon here, I’m going to have some prawn sandwiches for lunch, then by 6pm I’m guessing the boys will be around to watch the Swans play Hawthorne (Aussie rules) and then we’ll end up at the pub I’m sure. I just got a text from Alex saying that he’ll be around for the game a well which will be good since I haven’t seen him since earlier in the week.
I spoke with Kip and he said that there is 20″ of snow forecast for him this weekend – holy moly!!!
I love seeing masculine, real men wearing speedos!!!
Although I suppose these guys are all models and not just average muscle men. My blog posts this week have been rather PG rated… that is kind of boring isn’t it.
This afternoon after I get back from the pool I have to edit up some video for SwimmerBoyz.com and I’ll grab some screen shots of some speedo action to share with you guys tomorrow.
I’m always thinking out for you guys.
Can you guys believe that this is my 2,000th blog post!!!
Even if each post was only half a page of text that would be one thick arse book.
My first post was on May 9th, 2005 (although I write it on April 5th). The blog was started after a really hot threesome with some room mates (a guy/girl couple) at an end of season party and I felt like I just had to share that experience with someone.
That someone has turned into a few more someones over the last 8 years and 10 months.
Although statistics have fluctuated over the years, right now the readerships is over 5,000 unique visitors per day.
I’d have to sit down and figure out how many readers I’ve met in person but it would be around 10 I’d think (not bad considering I’m technically in the closet).
During this time I was sued by the Evil Speedo Corporation which made news in Australia and the UK, it also resulted in my biggest traffic days (over 20,000 unique visitors in one day during those shenanigans).
The positive feedback I’ve received from you guys has been what has kept this blog going and me motivated to keep writing. There have been 6,608 comments and I can honestly say that I’ve read every single one..
Thank you guys and as long as you keep coming back, I’m sure I’ve got another 2,000 posts in me.
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