It is feeling like summer here in Aussie – going to be in the 30’s all weekend which is awesome.
I am not going to be out enjoying it, instead, I am going to dedicate the entire weekend to working on this blog.
I’ve been running the membership side for a little while now and it has been great!!! A lot more of you guys joined than I expected and it has allowed me to publish more movies and stories (both take time and server costs which is hard if the blog is just free). Since it wasn’t quite the same system as my site, I didn’t quite have my head around laying it out properly.
I think I have a better handle on how it will work even better.
Right now the comments are hit and miss which sucks because there have been 8,420 comments on this blog since it started and I have read every single one of them and I’ve replied to most of them. Kip will be helping me beta test a bunch of it on different devices but pretty much it will just be me working for hours, and hours and hours – hahaha.
It worked for the – which I spent nearly 4 days straight working on a month or so ago.
If you guys have any ideas or feedback I’d love to hear from you – if the comments don’t work here, I’d love an email
Ow, and the reason I have been able to put this weekend aside is because a whole bunch of the crew here are heading to Tasmania for a wedding – I know the guy but since I didn’t grow up on the coast here I don’t know them that well so I didn’t get invited so I’m going to be a boring nerd and sit around working in my speedos all weekend – I’m actually looking forward to it.
Of course, I’d prefer to spend the weekend doing this……
Or doing this……
Or just hanging out with these guys……
Around the middle of the month Kip and I butted heads a little bit on the price of blog membership. Kip wanted it to be like $30 – I wanted to keep it as cheap as possible – like $5 (which is a little cheaper than possible – hehe).
We decided to make a bet on it as well – who ever looses has to snowboard down an entire snowboarding run in Breckenridge, on Australia Day 2017 (January 26th) wearing my pair of Australian Flag Turbo speedos – nothing else of course.
On the 15th, I thought I’d give Kip’s idea a trial… it didn’t work.
On top of Kip getting to show the world how much he loves Australia and speedos next January…. we are back to $5 blog membership – this still might change in the future but that is what it is now. Click here to join now.
The whole idea of a membership to this blog started when I first started fooling around with Alex. I wanted to share some more details but didn’t want those details to be 100% public. Membership allows me to post more personal details about my sexual life as well (including selfies) that I don’t really want just anyone to stumble across.
Having blog members also allows me to share some movies from my big site Because bandwidth costs money and there are over 5,000 daily readers of this blog, I can’t just make free and public a 55 minute speedo movie – if all 5,000 of you guys watched it, this blog would be shut down in a few hours.
Become a member also allows you to support this blog and allows me to spend more time on it.
If you are interested in becoming a blog member I would really appreciate it. It is only $5 and you can pay using PayPal which is pretty awesome.
I’d love it if a bunch of new members joined because it will help me rub it into Kip.
Quick post, I’m trying a new comments system. The comments is something I love about blogging, I’ve read all 7,837 comments over the last decade and it is a way that I can keep my finger on the pulse of what you guys want me to be posting about.
Give the comments a try, I’ve tried to set it up so you don’t have to be logged in to comment that way people can comment anonymously.
Let me know how it goes guys.
I’ve got a surprise for you guys tomorrow…. I already wrote the post incase I have a late night and am not functioning too well in the morning.
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