What do you guys think about the new blog layout?
I’m personally over the moon about it. I love it!!!
One last thing that I want to do is to put an about me page for those readers who are here for the first time but other than that there is nothing more I can think of.
Today Mike left – I’m not really sure when I’ll see him again. Was definitely fun while it lasted. I’ve updated my online dating profiles today (yeah I am getting back on the horse quickly). There aren’t that many gay guys in Queenstown but if there are I’ll find them I promise.
I also emailed a couple that I have had fun with here in the past – I’ll find the old posts for you guys tomorrow. I’m off for an early night like the good boy that I am.
I just wrote this post but I clicked on something new and lost everything that I wrote. I’ve just updated WordPress (the software that runs the blog) and it is really kewl the updates they’ve mate.
Speaking of the blog – I’ve chosen a new layout which I’ve very excited about. I was hoping to have it ready by this weekend but I am going to be flat out until next week so maybe next weekend I’ll have it ready. And I’ve just finished updating the blogroll (down the right). All those blogs there are regularly updated and I like them myself so feel free to check them out. If you have a blog and it isn’t there drop me a line/comment.
I’ve gotta fly guys – off to play some poker (although I much prefer to play pok’him).
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