On New Years Day I awoke to a beautiful view from my kitchen window, it was a masculine, 30yo or so guy, tanning, in nothing but a speedo about 15 paces from my back door (click here to read that post).
That day a couple of things went through my head and one of them was wondering if this guy had read my blog and figure out which house was mine (it does kind of stand out and I have given enough hints about it since I moved in). I intentionally didn’t mention the type of speedos the guy was wearing as a little bit of a test if anyone claimed to be him.
Turns out I was right.
The guy is from Sydney and his parents have a home up on the coast and on New Years morning everyone in his house was hungover so he came to the beach and thought he knew which house was mine.
Unfortunately, that day I had a mate come around and we watched the cricket so I couldn’t go down and introduce myself.
So the Blog Fan is coming up to the coast this week and is keen to catch up.
He was gorgeous. A real man, a little older than me but looked great in his speedos and I think it could be fun.
To be honest I don’t follow the Aussie swimming too much these days – I grew up in the days of Kieran Perkins and Haley Lewis and Lisa Kenny-Currie.
But, I am a huge Thorpey fan!!! I think the guy is the bees knees. He is always nice on camera and obviously he kicked some arse in the pool. I saw last night that he is making a comeback – whoohooo!!!!
One thing I was wondering though – is he ‘out’?
He should be careful though – his nick name “Thorpedo” rhymes with Speedo – and that is now a sacred word.
I’ve had a bunch of emails of support and sympathy after the court thingy on Thursday. Not being a lawyer I’m not really sure what the judgement means – I figure the Evil Speedo Corporation will try and steal my domains off me. But that is OK – this site already has another major domain – www.AussieSpeedoGuy.org which will keep running and it doesn’t effect my flagship site – www.SwimmerBoyz.com since it doesn’t have ‘Speedo’ in the domain name.
The last paragraph of the judgement says I have to pay the Evil Speedo Corporations legal fees….. I couldn’t afford a lawyer to defend myself – go figure.
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