I get a bit of a hard time about my partying and drinking but I don’t think I could ever be a full blown alcoholic because waking up this morning I feel fantastic.
Yes, yesterday I was well behaved. I did a stack of work, ate properly, wanked 5 times and I even went for an ice skate. I had Kip’s sisters ‘2 mates’ crashing on the floor here and they were loud and partying so I didn’t get to bed until pretty late but I’m up early and I feel great.
Right now I’m sitting in bed (I’ve just cleaned up the house a little bit) watching the Inauguration.
I don’t discuss politics on here very much but I’m excited about Barak Obama (I’m not sure I’d vote for him if I was allowed to vote in America) and I hope that he can stand up to the Democratic Left in the Senate and Congress – ie Pelosi.
Hope you guys are having a good day as well – here are some nice lazy speedo photos.
I am back after nearly two months on the road, just a little bit of a road trip to catch up with some old friends, and I managed to make some new friends (naughty, and otherwise).
Now I am back on the Sunshine Coast, here in Australia and I have a bit of catching up to do. I am busy writing about some of the naughty speedo experiences I had on my trip, and I am working on a bit of a revamp of the blog (long overdue).
Of course, thanks to all the members for your support. It is your support which allows me to spend so much time working on this blog.
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