11 thoughts on “Swimwear Review – Aussiebum Portsea

  1. nice view of palm beach 🙂

    the picture of Kris Evans from Bel Ai was taken at the Toybox party in March at Luna Park and let me say watching the bel ami boys strip in and out of speedos and underwear in real life was certainly an experience

    If anything the pictures do not do them justice

  2. How cum we can’t see you modeling those Portseas? That would be our “treat of the day”.

  3. Terrigal it is – photos taken last week.

    As for my modelling career? I don’t think so boys – I am not ‘out’ to most of my friends and none of my family.


  4. It is a great consolation prize to some of us, Dave, to imagine that though we may never see photos of you in these on this blog, that your Portseas laying there in various places means that you’re nearby absolutely starkers! 😉 (Though you may be a very sensible individual, who just brought them along to photograph and are fully clothed…but I prefer to imagine otherwise!)

  5. Agreed, Dr. Phil.
    But you don’t *have* to include your face in said photos, Dave! Just sayin! 🙂

  6. The Portsea is without a doubt my best Aussiebum purchase ever. It looks great, fits great, feels great, and get me a ridiculous amount of sex. I can’t even count the number of blowjobs I’ve gotten while wearing that suit, with my cock sticking out of the top and thrusting in and out of the mouth of some stud that I met at the beach, gym, or some resort.

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