Hey guys – been flat out working on my site the last week or so. Had 6 new model shoots that I’ve been adding in which day about a day each. But all a good problem.
But being busy means I don’t get to play in my speedos – I’m trying to line something up for this weekend coming so we’ll see what happens there – I’ll tell you more later in the week.
I have been talking some guys who read this blog on MSN Messenger and a couple have offered to put their own speedo experiences in writing – so I’ve decided – if you write about your experiences in speedos in a story then I’ll give you 30 days free membership to my site – SwimmerBoyz.com. Of course the story has to be good – hehehe. I’d prefer true stories (as all the stories I’ve posted here on the blog did actually happen) and everyone in your story has to be over 18yo.
I’m interested to see what you guys come up with. My email address is davespeedoevans at hotmail dot com (I write it like that to prevent bots from adding my email to spam lists).
I’ve always had a thing for straight guys. I’ve always been turned on by their masculine sexuality. Ever since I can remember having friends sleep over, or having roommates, I was fascinated watching fit masculine men sleep.
I started by looking under the covers. Then I started caressing their crotch with one finger, then two. Sometimes I get caught, sometimes I don’t. I’ve had my share of black eyes from my curiosity, but the times I don’t get caught make it all worth while.
Sometimes its really interesting how you can meet someone in the strangest of places and wind up with them sleeping over. Like Clay is a great example of what makes this whole thing worth it for me. Sure there is always a risk, but life is full of risks. It is when you meet guys like Clay that make those risks all the more fun and enjoyable. Like how’d I know he would be the kind of guy that simply didn’t give a shit about who sucked him off or that he would even want to taste another guy’s spunk? Didn’t start out that way, but its odd, how some will wake up the second after they spurt and be angry even though you know they loved it and then there are guys like Clay.
Now he didn’t wake up after, but before. I am not sure how much earlier he had woken up but I had way too many drinks that night, so I was bit more aggressive. Okay my fault really ‘cause I should have kept closer reins on myself, but damn it he was so friggin desirable, just couldn’t help myself.
So when he woke up with my hand on his hard cock I felt the sudden panic inside. This guy was certainly quite capable of knocking me around a bit and I could feel the fear welling up inside as I realized he was staring at me. It was like being x-rayed by some silent predator and then when his hand reached out, I flinched.
It was then that I dared look at his face, and I could see something I never expected to see. It was as clear as daylight really as I saw the lust and desire. My fear suddenly vanished as I moved closer and his hand became less threatening. It was more inviting as I crawled up the bed and his hand began to touch me, just as I had hoped it would long before he woke up.
No way did I say anything either to ruin whatever he was thinking. I just let his eyes guide me further up the bed and then when his fingers pulled on my own hard cock, I sighed knowing that this would be that special moment I had been always dreaming of. You know, where the straight guy wakes up and instead of shouting at you he takes your hard cock and kisses it with his lips, where he lets his hot raspy tongue flick out and actually wet the already moistened head of your cock? Clay did that and it was to me exactly as how I had thought it would feel.