Just like to leave a quick note thanking all those guys who have supported me by joining my site SwimmerBoyz.com.
I love being able to keep this blog running and running for free. Some bloggers ask for ‘donations’ but I run SwimmerBoyz.com where your ‘donation’ lets you download a bunch of speedo movies (65 hrs of movies actually) and see a bunch of hot speedo guys.
There is a bunch of free porn out there (there always has been) but for a whole $5 you can download 65 hours of high quality movies. It is well worth it.
If any of you guys are thinking of joining and have some questions please fire me off an email. Whenever I’m online I use MSN Messenger which I use to talk to members as well.
If you haven’t been over there – check it out. This site is my site, I use it myself most days what I want to watch speedo movies so there is no pop-ups or any of that crap.
Thanks again for your support guys.
hi friend,could me exchange link together?
hop we it it will be better than now this is mine:
hope you don’t mind to do , thank for kindness
StraightBoysPhotos Webmaster
Would be nice to exchange links with you.
Please let me know if you are interested.
Thank you.