This has been a tough week guys, a tough couple of weeks but that happens this time of year with moving and all.
Members of my site will have noticed that this week I’ve been working on some server issues and everything is back running 100%. It has also inspired Kip and I to upgrade the movie server (this blog sits on that server) and I need your help.
If you’ve been thinking about joining my site then now would be a great time for you to support me and this blog AND in the next 48hrs there will be an additional 3gig of movies being added to the site.
$14.95 is a 7 day trial membership – you can download all you can in those 7 days and see everything.
You guys are great and if you are in a position to help out it will be appreciated.
Giving a hand can be fun, these guys are getting a hand…..
Wish I could help you… But I have no money
And I mean *no* money, I live off of my roommate, my entire salary goes to an offshore account so we can save up. I even have to ask him for lunch money.
If you need technical help though with the site or anything, I’d love to help.
That Guy,
Thank you for your offer of help mate.
Do you ever have to ‘beg’ or ‘work’ for your lunch money?
Gee, have you ever thought of getting a job to pay for this web site?
It must be tough traveling, writing a blog, and screwing men and women.
Tough life indeed.
That’s a bit unfair, don’t you think? Or, if not unfair, at least a bit bitter…
Dave’s life is enviable, and it seems to me he makes his money from doing this website, and if that’s the case, then good for him! I can’t afford a membership on the website (even though it is very reasonably priced), but I do enjoy reading what he posts elsewhere for free, including here. If I could enjoy the life that Dave does via making money on a paid membership website, I certainly wouldn’t hesitate to do so…and if I could afford to pay for a membership on said website, I certainly would.
It may not last forever, he may have to turn his considerable skills to some other trade eventually, but while it does last, why not be encouraging about it and happy for him that he’s made it a success?
Thanks Dr. Phil,
Running is my job. I would guess an average week for me is a solid 50hrs of work – between 2hrs and 3hrs of that would be in this blog.
If I had a real job I would probably make more money but I probably wouldn’t be writing this blog.
Don’t know about your Bram but I’d miss it.
Have a good weekend guys – we’ve had 2 feet of snow in the last 36hrs.
Dave, don’t worry, I never have to ‘beg’ or ‘work’, as you put it, for anything.
Here’s the thing: I live in a platonic relationship with a straight man. Technically, we’re best friends, but realistically we’re more of a couple that almost any ‘real’ copule I’ve ever met.
After him having lived on my money for a few years while studying, having his own business, etc., he finally got to the point where he makes enough money. Now, my entire salary goes to a company that invests it. This is done, intentionally, directly without the money moving through me first – that way we can’t overspend our budget. Now we live on his salary, and we have a savings account.I have more money than I need, but it’s not like I can tell him I want a subscription to your site…
In short, life is good. The only way it could get any better was if he was a little more bisexual – except one botched attempt we never did anything except MFM threesomes with ‘no-touching’ rules…
That Guy,
Thank you for you sharing that mate – sounds like an interesting arrangement you guys have and sounds like it is working for you.
Good luck.
What video is the 2nd set of screencaps from?