2 thoughts on “Square Cut Speedos

  1. It amazes me how non-standard these sorts of things are…

    What is a “trunk” or “square-cut” or even “boxer” in one particular brand is more like a brief or less in others; while some swim briefs end up looking close to the above for various reasons.

    Any of them can look good, granted, and on someone who is attractive, they do no disservices, certainly.

    While I really dislike the tendency these days in competitive swimming to go toward jammers rather than speedos, I was at a swim meet a while back and saw that rather than “concealing” more, the jammers actually had an opposite effect in some cases–with shrinkage from the cold pool water, some of the guys’ dicks were sticking straight out, and could practically be seen under some lighting conditions! I’d still prefer the smaller suits all around, of course, but don’t underestimate the potentials in the fuller cut styles, either. 😉

  2. Dr. Phil,

    I hear you on the naming convention for ‘square-cuts’, I’ve heard Brazilian cut which amkes it even more complicated.

    One name would be great.

    Sounds like you enjoyed your ‘swim meat’.


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