6 thoughts on “Speedos in the Mountains

  1. I agree so much about the tattoos, but a great bod all in all. In a speedo, too, what more could you want?

    I really like reading about your life, and now Kip’s visit. Thanks for sharing all that. You always have such great pics too.

    Speedorex Blog

  2. my first thought was Lake Louise, cause of the color of the lake water. But wherever it is a great location for a shoot. I like pic #1 and the sunglasses. and pic #3 is a close second.

  3. Yeah . . . could be Lake Louise in spring. Beautiful setting with amazing walking tracks for trekking along (great tea house half way up as well!)

    Like you, Dave, I’m not that keen on all the tatts. Still, the body and the speedo in #1 is awesome! The tan is kinda nice as well.

    Don’t mind #3 either . . . do I detect a developing hardon in the pic or is it just a very tight speedo?

  4. FYI: little off topic, but I was watching this weeks edition of Hotel Hell with Gordon Ramsey, they showed a pre-view of next week show, he was seen out by the pool in a Blue Speedo, it shows on Monday 9am Eastern time in the United states. FYI only

  5. Was just at Lake Louise – looks sililar but look at the church in the 2nd pic. Not Caqnada – think this is Austria, Switzerland or Germany Alps.

  6. Looks similar to Lake Louise but it isn’t. I stayed there a few years back and it is a beautiful spot alright.

    This place looks European to me.


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