7 thoughts on “Speedos + Beach

  1. I’d be all for that! Perhaps if you make it up to B.C., you can stop by the Seattle area on the way? Or not…But in any case, it sounds good to me! Do as you feel is best, of course, and I will support your decision either way!

  2. Dave,

    Pursue what you want at this stage in your life, home ownership can be done, anyone can achieve anything if they set a goal and apply themselves.

    Go for it, don’t look back, only forward !!!


  3. hi Dave..great pics..i live in on the southern tip of spain..and we could do with a few more speedos here too. i can always rely on you r site to cheer me up..i always check what youve got. great site..
    best regards./..dick.

  4. Hey guys,

    What a fantastic response!!!

    I’m going to write about this tomorrow but I’m really excited about your response.

    It was a tough decision that I made – I would love to go back to the Gold Coast (Australia) but I decided this was a better choice and to hear you guys back me up it is wonderful.

    Thank you for your kind comments!!!!


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