An old blogging friend of mine Brenton took these pics for a Sydney waterpolo team. Brenton has been blogging on his blog Aussielicious for maybe even longer than I have been which is crazy since I started this blog back in 2005.
Kip has Brenton’s blog on our servers and Brenton has always been the nicest of guys – funny enough we’ve never met in person though which I hope to rectify.
Brenton took these pics and allowed me to post them…. anyone else want to take up waterpolo?
Brenton’s blog is
Water Polo players have great bodies, nice toned muscles, and look great in a tight speedo. Then they put on the silly looking cap. The grabbing and kicking that goes on under water during a match is more than other sports.
So I have often wondered if guys who play water polo are more likely to get it on with other guys…any data or opinions??? I would think so…I know all the guys I see at the pool that are water polo players really have skimpy Speedos….
Not sure if there is any data Walt but I have 2 cousins who are avid water polo players and both are straight. I have been to a few of their games over the years and many of the guys have amazing bods, always gets me hard. I’m sure not all of them are straight though, how could they be with all those sexy bodies and tight speedos about. I love the guy in the middle of the 2nd photo.
There is a water polo club in our city. They meet weekly during the winter. This is guys just out of college and older, most played in college. Typically their speedos are smaller than most. They have pretty well toned muscular bodies, and don’t have any problem showing them off. (Who wouldn’t they are looking great.) Girlfriends and wives come to watch them play. Women like eye candy too. I think the percentage gay or bi matches the population as a whole.
Well it is great to see straight guys enjoying skimpy,tight,Speedos…and women also admitting to digging the eye candy…Thanks for your comments…
You know, Dave, the only person I know of named Brenton is also an Aussie, and is *totally hot*…but clearly isn’t the one who runs the other blog. Alas. It would have been a truly small world if it were the same guy! (I have a plan to see the Brenton I know in a speedo–that is, to get him to wear one publicly–but have not been able to hatch it yet. I’m not sure if he is bi or gay, but given that he’s an Aussie, he might be up for the speedo appearance anyway, if all goes well!)
And yes, water polo players are *teh hawtness*. I wish the event were as exciting to watch on television as it likely is in real life, though…it just isn’t, in my experience.