Last week I told you about the first kiss (click here to read that post). This was regarding a guy that I met online and I didn’t think the first ‘date’ went very well but we’ve seen each other a couple of times socially for a beer but nothing overly sexual. He doesnt’ live in town but is here for work a lot and last week after a beer and walking me to my car we kissed (hence the previous post ‘The First Kiss’).
I got an email during the week saying that he’d be in town and we should catch up for lunch. Sounded fine to me and we had lunch at one of my favourite outdoor spots. We had a couple of beers but nothing too heavy and after maybe a 2hr lunch he said he had to head off to catch up with some people regarding work.
Being my usual horny self I was hoping for lunch to turn into afternoon fuck session but that obviously wasn’t going to be the case.
Then he started telling me that he’ll be in town in a couple of weeks and we should catch up – I’m wondering how long we are going to drag this thing out….. So I said to him that it was a shame he had to go back to work as I was looking forward to an afternoon under the covers. That is pretty much what I said word for word.
I think he was actually surprised by that – he mumbled a little and then said that perhaps he’d give me a call later in the day.
We had parked in seperate areas and left it at that.
I got in my car and before I had put my seatbelt on I got a txt from him which read “Room 123 right now.”

Hi Dave
Trust you were wearing your Aussiebum’s to lunch !!!
Nice! Hope that went well, and looking forward to hearing more details!
The photo above, while not the speedo-type suit I’d prefer, is not bad at all. (And that model looks familiar…) Some shorts are actually quite nice…I just got my stuff out of storage, and found a box that has three AussieBum things in it I had forgotten I own: a nice pair of red and blue board shorts (that are the most flattering board shorts I’ve ever seen, with excellent package-enhancing characteristics!), and then two pairs of their Footie shorts–a dark blue one and a white one. Hot as all get out…Wish I had someone who would appreciate me wearing them now!
Now, Dave! Don’t stop there!
Way to go 🙂
does anyone know who makes those swim shorts. they look comfy!
The answer to your question is: Sauvage.
Just Google Sauvage swimwear and go from there.
Now I have a question for you.
I understand the model is Canadian. Can you find
out his name and a bit of biography? I think the
last name is Woods and he’s from ta-da! Toronto.
Men on Men pictures are better