7 thoughts on “The first fuck

  1. Nice! Hope that went well, and looking forward to hearing more details!

    The photo above, while not the speedo-type suit I’d prefer, is not bad at all. (And that model looks familiar…) Some shorts are actually quite nice…I just got my stuff out of storage, and found a box that has three AussieBum things in it I had forgotten I own: a nice pair of red and blue board shorts (that are the most flattering board shorts I’ve ever seen, with excellent package-enhancing characteristics!), and then two pairs of their Footie shorts–a dark blue one and a white one. Hot as all get out…Wish I had someone who would appreciate me wearing them now!

  2. jack

    The answer to your question is: Sauvage.

    Just Google Sauvage swimwear and go from there.

    Now I have a question for you.

    I understand the model is Canadian. Can you find
    out his name and a bit of biography? I think the
    last name is Woods and he’s from ta-da! Toronto.

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