Last night Kip and I were drinking at a local Irish Pub. Kip knew a bunch of people and I ended up talking to this pretty hot German guy who was really nice. I don’t think he was gay and it wasn’t like that but it got me thinking that I haven’t shagged any European guys or Germans to be specific.
From the writing on this guys speedo he is part of the German Water Polo Team….. perhaps I should start with the water polo teams of Europe – hehehe.
Starting in 1984 I lived in Germany for 10 years and came to appreciate the many attractive young guys there. Few of them have any of the puritanical hang-ups of us Americans and, as they were growing up, have probably spent time at the various nude beaches all around Europe. The hot German guy you met might have been open to having some hot speedo fun with you and Kip in a hot-tub, even if he’s not gay, unless he already had a companion. If he was with a chick, he and she might be willing to have some MMF or MMMF action with hot guys like you and Kip. I would recommend you look for him again. If you do hook up, please give us a complete report….
he wears his speedo nice and low too
its been my experience that germans are very speedo friendly!
The European attitude about speedos and sex is much more liberal than that of the U.S. – must be the Puritanical influences of our ancestors.
Hi – in the UK speedos are definitely out except in competitive swimming. If you wear them on the beach or at a pool these days it raises serious questions about your sexuality. So while there are plenty of gorgeous guys around you rarely see them in speedos. This is in marked contrast to the Canary islands where I have just had some winter sun!
The U.K. and Ireland are much different than the rest of Europe…which can be good in some ways…
Strangely, it was the older (and often less fit) guys in Ireland who would wear speedos; younger men (35 and under) tended not to, unless they were married and with their wives and/or children, at least in my experience. Given that Ireland is a rather religious. conservative country, this was interesting, as it would tend to be the older crowd that would be more conservative. But, then again, on more than one occasion, I encountered the Catholic chaplain of my university at the pool in his Speedos, so there we are!
I found Scotland to be different again–lots of guys in Speedos there the one time I was at the pool, of all ages; and the suits they wore tended to be a bit more risque or fashionable, rather than the basic black or blue that most guys in the U.K. and elsewhere would wear.
Speedo demographics are fascinating!
Yeah Phil,
as you say speedo demographics are fascinating. It is true that in the UK you do see older guys wearing them – which is fine so long as they are in good shape!
Boarding shorts can of course be very sexy especially when they are worn low which is what most guys do but again you need to be in good shape to get the heads turning!
u certainly have german readers ;p
i should check out the german water polo team.. hot